Labor Day is the unofficial end of summer and in Dallas, we were greeted to a welcome 20 degree drop in temperatures to signal the coming fall months. Summer travelers have returned home; the kids are back in school; bags of candy and Halloween decorations are appearing in stores, fall has definitely arrived.
Looking forward a bit more, Mercy is already booking holiday parties. I was grateful for the break in the temperature, as it is difficult to put your mind set on holiday event planning when you are sweltering in 105 degree heat. I really do love that time of year, holiday festivities both at work and at home, really have produced some cherished memories.
When the banter at work, the discussion for venues come up, please think of us at Mercy. When we host a large or even a smaller gathering at Mercy, there is such a sense of purpose in the air. We get to showcase what Mercy has to offer to a multitude of new guests all at once and that is really, so much fun !
Drop an e-mail note or give me with some specifics for your company's holiday party; we would really welcome being a part of your holiday festivities.
Mike Castagne
Operations Manager