Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Common names producing some exceptional wines

Michael and David ..... common names producing some exceptional wines ! Incognito, Earthquake, Rapture... oh yes ! Now you may know them !

The silky tannins and the showy body start to awaken your senses.

Michael and David's wines have been and are a big influence on the wine list at Mercy. Michael and David Phillips visited Mercy last week from Lodi, California. We were so honored and privileged to host their appearance and to be able introduce, these "down to earth" brothers to our guests at Mercy.

We had prepared for an RSVP event of 20 customers, however when 62 customers showed up ....yes....we were overwhelmed and overjoyed !

Our guests were able to have a special bottle signed by Michael and David (and yes, some of our staff availed themselves of this unique signing opportunity as well).

We are so glad to be able to offer their wines as part of our portfolio and even happier when you order it, share it and most definitely enjoy it !

Next time you come in .... ask us about Michael and David, we will happy to share that experience with you.

Earthquake $18 glass $55 bottle
Rapture $85 bottle

Vincent Havard
Operating Partner