November is poised to be a most eventful month for us at Mercy.
On 2nd of the month, Town of Addison voters head to polls to decide, among other things, an amendment to the town charter related to the sale of beer and wine for off-premises consumption. A vote in favor of this amendment will allow Mercy to sell bottles of wine to our guests for off premise consumption.
On the 8th of the month, Mercy will roll out our fall/winter food menu. Notable additions are a "surf and turf" combination featuring our hand carved Filet Mignon and a choice of grilled shrimp or seared scallops. Yum !
On the 13th of the month, we bid a fond farewell to a longtime Mercy employee, Juan Velez. Juan has been with Mercy for over 6 years and is moving out of the area. We wish him the best in all of his future endeavors. Juan's good nature is infectious, so if you are able, stop in to bid him Bon Voyage.
On the 18th of the month, we welcome the acclaimed Dallas tribute band, Hard Nights Day. For the last several months, Mercy guests have enjoyed the acoustic version of their performance however at this event, the full band will be performing and we are really looking forward to this.
On the 25th of the month, my second favorite holiday, Thanksgiving. Mercy will be closed for business.
Thank You are two of the most important words in the English language. So as we give thanks to celebrate this national holiday, we all at Mercy wish to thank our guests for their patronage and for being part of our family.
Mike Castagne
Operations Manager